ONE: Crock Pot
I LURVE my Crock Pot. I am pretty sure I cook at least two meals a week in my Crock Pot, and it becomes invaluable during tee-ball season. I make soups, chicken dishes, roast, lasagna, and even Chinese food in my Crock Pot. I could not live without it.
TWO: Coordinating Brother-Sister Outfits
I LOVE dressing my kids in matching outfits. The Hubs has joked me ever since C was born by reminding me that they aren't twins. But I know that since my oldest is a boy, I won't have long to dress them in matching outfits, and I will do it as long as B will let me.
THREE: The Beach
I have loved going to the beach ever since I was a little girl. My parents would take our family to the beach every summer, and we still go with them often. And thankfully, I think I have passed my love of the beach to my two little ones.
FOUR: Professional Portraits of my Kids
Ever since B was 6 weeks old, I have been a stickler for getting their professional portraits done. The photographer that I use puts their pictures in albums, but I have 16 x 20s of their one-year portraits and I love them! (This picture doesn't do them justice.)
FIVE: Vacation Planning

I love to plan a trip--more than most people probably. I could (and usually do) spend hours researching, reading, and Googling each and every little detail to find out as much as I can about wherever we are going. I have planned my own trips to Vegas, New York City (and yes, that is me and the Hubs in front of Monica and Rachel's apartment on Friends), and our most recent trips to Disney World. There is just nothing like finding useful information or websites that you can refer to over and over again. And usually, even if we don't have a trip on the horizon, I am thinking about planning one! Odds are, if I had not gone into education, I would have LOVED being a travel agent!
So there's five of my favorites. Enjoy!
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