Monday, July 7, 2014

Beach Pictures 2014

As I mentioned yesterday, we took some family pictures on the beach when we were at Palm Beach Shores.  It was a bit of a production since B is going through a major thunderstorm phobia phase right now.  And it was cloudy and starting to thunder softly when we went out to take the pictures.  So he looks kinda scared in all the pictures.  So here are a few of the decent pictures and a humorous story regarding the happenings during said photo shoot.


After getting some shots with the beach in the background, we decided to pose with the dunes in the background.  So we found a good one and sat down.  I notice the little white flower on the dune, but it looked innocent enough, so I sat--right down on it.  And on my heavens, did it hurt.  That thing had tiny little thorn and spines that stung like a jellyfish--right on my 'upper thigh' area.  Then when I went to get myself off of the flower, I stuck my thumb on it which also got stung.  I managed to smile for a couple of more pictures, but honestly I was ready to get back to the room and find out what of condition my 'upper thigh' was in.

Of all the pictures we got that day, this is my favorite.  A little cropping and it was perfect.  I do love a good beach picture.

And with some hydrocortisone cream, my backside is good to go.

Edited to add:  After being home for a few days said rash decided to come back for an encore.  But with another week of hydrocortisone cream, I am good to go again.

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