Well, I have thought about doing this for a while, but wasn't quite sure if I wanted to jump in or not. It seemed like a bit of a commitment, and then I realized that it was my blog, for Pete's sake, and I can "write" on here as little or as often as I want. And, let's be honest, it will probably just be family and a couple of friends who look at this any way.
The real reason I am doing this is my mother-in-law. You see, for years any time anything funny or interesting would happen, she would ALWAYS say some version of "I hope you are writing this down." Sometimes she would say, "I hope you keep a journal" or "You have got to put that in their baby book." But let's face it, sadly people just don't do much of that any more. And journaling has never been a strength of mine. I got a diary for my birthday when I was about 7 years old and there were still blank pages in it when I graduated from college. And even if I were really great and wrote in a journal every night, it would probably just sit on a shelf of get stuffed in a box in the attic. This seems like a much easier way to journal AND it will be much easier to look back through.
So, here it is--my very public journal. It will vary from events of the day to funny things my kids say, my projects around the house, decorating, and just random thoughts. Enjoy--and here's to you, Miss Lois (my MIL)!
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