Monday, August 18, 2014

Dental Work

Nothing is more humbling than those moments that I can only define as 'mommy failures.'  I think all mothers have had them.  I had my first mommy failure moment less than 24 hours after B was born when I clipped his fingernails and ended up clipping two of his fingertips.  I will alert the "Mother of the Year Award" committee ASAP.  There have been many mommy failure moments since then.

So anyway, I waited WAY to long to take B to the dentist for the first time, and that was a regrettable decision.  He has cavities between all of his molars due to how tight his teeth are, and one of those molars needed a crown.  One of those silver ones.  You know, the ones all "good mommies" have seen other kids with an instantly judged those mothers for feeding their kids too much candy and junk food and not brushing their teeth?  Yep, enter me being humbled.

So, knowing B's fear of needles, I was pretty nervous about this appointment, but it could not have gone better.  He loved playing the video games while in the lobby, did great with the gas, the shot, the whole nine yards.  On the way to the appointment, he told me, "Mommy, when they come out and call my name, I might say, 'Yikes!' and my teeth might start chattering."  It was a hilarious way of saying, "I'm nervous."

Also on the way to the appointment (it was over an hour long drive away), there was an obvious storm brewing.  B has had MAJOR thunder/storm-phobias lately, and I was getting even more nervous about how this appointment would go.  Right before we got to the dentist's office, B said, "You know what, Mommy?  I saw that big storm, and I thought I don't have to be afraid because my God is with me."  Be still my heart.  Thank you, God, for providing this bright moment that day.

So here are some pics from the big day:

He's pretty proud of his new silver tooth, and I am finding consolation that since it is a baby tooth, he won't have to have it forever.

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