There are about a gazillion different versions of the Jesse Tree depending on your denomination or personal preference. I pulled the ones I liked best from the various versions I found and will be following this outline of topic, ornament symbol, and Scripture reference:
Day 1: Jesse Tree, stump with sprout, Isaiah 11:1-2
Day 2: Creation, world, Genesis 1:26-31
Day 3: Fall of Man, fruit with serpent, Genesis 3:1-19
Day 4: Noah and the Flood, rainbow, Genesis 6:11-14
Day 5: Abraham, tent, Genesis 12:1-7
Day 6: Isaac, cradle, Genesis 21:1-7
Day 7: Sacrificing Isaac, ram, Genesis 22:1-14
Day 8: Jacob, ladder, Genesis 28:10-22
Day 9: Joseph, coat, Genesis 37:1-11
Day 10: Moses and the 10 Commandments, tablets, Deuteronomy 5:1-22
Day 11: Rahab, rope, Joshua 2:1-21
Day 12: Ruth, wheat, Ruth 1:15-2:3
Day 13: Samuel anoints David, horn of oil, 1 Samuel 16:1-13
Day 14: Elijah, burning stones, 1 Kings 18:16-24, 36-39
Day 15: Esther, sceptor, Esther 4
Day 16: Isaiah, lamb and wolf, Isaiah 11:6-9
Day 17: Daniel, lion, Daniel 6
Day 18: Jonah, whale, Jonah 3:1-5
Day 19: Bethlehem, city, Micah 5:1-5
Day 20: Zechariah and Elisabeth, man and woman, Luke 1:5-25
Day 21: John the Baptist, shell, Matthew 3:1-6
Day 22: Mary, heart, Luke 1:26-28
Day 23: Joseph, tools, Matthew 1:18, 25
Day 24: Journey to Bethlehem, sandals, Luke 2:1-5
Day 25: Jesus, star, Luke 2:6-11
If you start this outline on December 1, you end on Christmas reading the Christmas story from Luke 2. I have so enjoyed the discussion that these ornaments spark. I hope you find some way to bring more of Jesus into this Christmas with your own family!
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