I guess I should have technically said Cars 2 since that is what we actually ended up watching per B's request. So here is the menu for the evening:
Now I can't take full credit for all the menu ideas this week. While the Bacon, Lettuce, and Tow-Mater sandwiches were 100% yours truly, the rest actually came from the original source of my idea in the first place. You can read all about her countdown meals
So here is what the meal looked like. I was pretty proud of myself because I actually set the table, served it family style (as opposed to our typical buffet style service off of the counter/stove) and decorated with some of B's toys. I also discovered that any child who owns FOUR Maters has enirely too many toys!
This was a remarkably easy meal to prepare. The BLTs are pretty self-explanatory. I use Paula Deen's recipe for "The Lady's Cheesy Mac" from her Lady and Son's cookbook. It is delicious and pretty easy. The Leaning Tower of Tires is mini chocolate donuts; the traffic lights are graham crackers, cream cheese frosting, and M&Ms.
Overall, this meal was a big hit with the hubby, myself, and C. B was not a huge fan which I wasn't completely expected. I mean, what kid won't eat mac and cheese, for Pete's sake?? He did enjoy the bacon, and when we finally let him have a traffic light (after wheeling and dealing with him to eat some other food), he liked those too.
And I think judging from the amount of icing on this little face, the traffic lights were a hit with C as well!
The kids had a blast watching Cars 2. C is not big into tv, but B LOVES both of the Cars movies so he was in hog heaven. 'Til next time!