Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What's On the Tank {Water for Elephants}

I love to read...I mean, LURVE to read.  I can completely disappear into a book.  I don't hear people talking to me, I don't know what is going on around me, I can enter the world of the book and not come out for hours.  And my favorite place to read is in the bathtub.  And yes, my "not come up for hours" statement still applies.  I can spend hours in the tub just adding more hot water when it gets cool and reading on.  Now, since B (and especially C) was born, the "hours" in the bathtub has become more of an "hour every now and then in the evening after they have gone to bed or occasionally during their nap" type of thing.  So, since my reading location is usually the tub, my book du jour can usually be found on the tank of the toilet.  Not the most romantic place for a book, I know, but it is always right there waiting for me to grab it when I sink into the warm bubbles.

So what has been on my tank lately? 

 Water for elephants.jpg

Water for Elephants was my most recent read--actually it never made it to the tank because I could not put it down!  I read it in two days.  And I also developed a bit of a love-hate relationship with it.  Allow me to explain.  I loved the storyline--hence the inability to put it down.  The characters where intriguing, and I was completely captivated from the Prologue until the last page.  And honestly, there were some one-liners that actually had me laughing outloud whether they were meant to be funny or not.  So why the hate side of the relationship?  I was pretty shocked by some of the content.  I guess I am naive, but I had no idea the circus scene of the 1930s was so risque and racy.  The language was rough at times, and the sexual content was extreme.  So, for those reasons I would not necessarily recommend this book.

I know I am a few years behind the times since this book--and even the movie--came out several years ago.  And I have not seen the movie, but according to the really reliable website www.kids-in-mind.com, the movie is PG-13 and fairly safe to watch.

So, what's on your tank?

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