Monday, May 13, 2013

Happy Birthday, Hubs!!

Hubs turned the big 3-4 today!  And while his birthday usually involves him working until late hours, this year he was actually home in time for dinner!  And I have always wanted to make his favorite cake (German chocolate) for him for his birthday, but never have because either he wasn't going to be home or he told me not to because he was watching his weight.  Well, he told me not to do it this year, but I did it anyway!  So the kids and I went to the store and got him some balloons (garnet and gold, of course, Go Seminoles!) and I got started on his cake.  My mom had given me some FSU paper products that she found while on a trip, so I pulled out the napkins for dinner and the paper plates for the cake.

The hubby's favorite homecooked meal is enchiladas, so that was the obvious choice for his birthday dinner.  I added in a Mexican salad for some veggies and to have something to offer besides just the enchiladas.  It was a hit!

After dinner, my parents came over (Hubby's parents had a meeting to attend), had cake with us, and gave Hubs their gift.  He wanted money for his birthday so he could get a cover for his new boat, but they had to throw in one more item . . . a real Duck Dynasty duck call!!!  He was pretty excited.

Overall, I think Hubs had a great bday, and I had a blast getting it together for him.  Happy Birthday, Hubs!!

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