If you are not familiar with the Classical Conversations curriculum or their model, you can read more about it on their website www.classicalconversations.com. We started the day in the whole group meeting where the kids said the pledge to the flag and the Bible, and then worked on their Bible memory passage and their Timeline memorization. This is also normally where they do family presentations, but all of the families had done theirs for this semester. B volunteered to hold the flag for the pledge. It was so cute, and I was so proud of him.
After whole group, the kids broke into two smaller groups. We went with the group of kids aged 4-6. They worked with their tutor on the memory work for history, geography, Latin, math, English grammar and timeline. After small group time, all of the kids went to orchestra with Mr. A who is also the minister of music at the church where they meet. He did a great job with the kids, and I was so impressed at what they were learning.
After orchestra they went back to the classroom for science experiments. Their experiment for the day was to use popsicle sticks, rubberbands, and napkins to make a cage to protect an egg if it were dropped. I will admit that it was pretty difficult for this age group, but I think the older group really liked it. I wound up doing most of the work, but B sat and observed for at least a little while before getting up to play with the other kids.
My friend E (who was also visiting with her son) and I met out of the playground with the director while our boys played. We got to ask her some questions and get to know her better. After letting the boys play a bit, B and I headed off to the nearby Chick-Fil-A--I know you are shocked by this! When we got home, we tested our egg cage--and it worked!! Here is a picture of B with the surviving egg.
It was a really fun day, and while I don't want to wish away the summer, I am really looking forward to starting the new year in the CC community.

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