Since visiting the Classical Conversations community with B earlier this month, I have taken a real interest in learning more about classical education. I knew from the first homeschool conference I attended that giving my children a classical education was the route I would choose for our home school environment. I have not been disappointed thus far with our Memoria Press curriculum, and I am really looking forward to getting involved in the CC community next school year.
While at the CC Open House, one of the mom's shared with me that she had read
The Core by Leigh Bortins the founder of CC. I was able to get it pretty quickly through inter-library loan, and I'm almost finished with it. I have learned so much about classical education that makes me love it even more! And I have gotten some great ideas that I have already used in my school day with the kids.
This has been a very informative and enjoyable read. If you are already homeschooling, are interested in homeschooling, or just want to know more about homeschooling, you should grab this book and read it. It's a fast read, and I promise you will enjoy it!
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