Friday, November 8, 2013

Pre-K Update 2

We are now 10 weeks into school, and B is doing wonderfully.  He is reading all number words one through ten, and can read all of the primary and secondary color words.  We spent the last four weeks working on the letters G, H, B, and P and the numbers 7-10.  We also read the books The Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Little Red Hen, Barn Dance, and Mr. Pine's Purple House.  B is slowly gaining some appreciation for writing, but he really loves doing math.  He loves to count objects and write numbers.  His fine motor skills are improving as well.  His handwriting has improved by leaps and bounds, and he is gaining better control when cutting with scissors as well.  He knows his letter sounds very well but really struggles with putting the sounds together to make words.  He is hit and miss with rhyming words as well, but we are still working on it.  I keep reminding myself that phonics is a developmental thing and he might just not be ready for it quite yet.  We do little bits at a time to keep both of us from getting too frustrated.  haha

Here is his (and C's) work for the last few weeks:

We made gumball machines for the letter Gg, little red hens for the letter Hh, bats for the letter Bb, and pumpkin patch pictures for the letter Pp.  I also added in a couple of pages that I had left over from teaching Kindergarten:  the Little Red Hen sequencing page and the cut and paste sorting by initial sounds page which he loved and had no trouble with.

I just can't wait to see how far he will have gone by Christmas!!

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