Saturday, January 11, 2014

Mantle Redo

When we rearranged the bedroom situation in our house over Christmas break, that also meant moving some of the larger decor pieces around the house and finding new homes for them within the house.  And to my horror, that meant moving the Hubs's deer head.  My choices were not great--I could leave it where it was in what was the playroom and is now our bedroom, but I just couldn't bear the thought of sleeping with that thing watching me.  So that meant moving it to the living room.  I am not a fan of dead animals in the living room (or anywhere for that matter) but the Hubs loves his hunting, and if he kills/catches/whatevers a trophy animal, then who am I to make him put it in the attic? 

So, the picture of the dogs that was over the fireplace has moved to our bedroom and hangs over our bed.  I loved it in the living room, and I love it over our bed.  And now the deer head is over the fireplace.  But to add some 'pretty' to the rustic outdoorsy-ness, I found the lovely Woodland Birds plates by Spode to be just the right touch. 

My sweet mama found some for a steal (so she says) on ebay and surprised me with them last night.  The Hubs hung them this afternoon and they look perfect.  I have the Mallard and Wood Duck dinner plates because, well, I just liked them the best.  I am super happy with how it looks.

It still needs a little something sitting on the mantle under the deer and plates, and I really want to change the urns and flower arrangements, but that will just have to come with time.


  1. I had no clue until now that you blogged!!Yahh can't wait to start reading about your family. Especially homeschool :)

  2. Thanks, Stacy! I really enjoy reading your blog and hope you enjoy mine!
