Christmas Eve is always the day that we spend with my family, and this year was no exception. We left our house after the kids' naps and headed over to Pop and JuJu's house loaded down with squash casserole, pecan pie, and presents. We started with a time of prayer and thanksgiving for the birth of Jesus, and I led us in singing "Joy to the World" then we ate a delicious meal that was mostly prepared by JuJu. Then it was time to open gifts. My parents have done a big Christmas for us and each other for as long as I can remember, and I have always enjoyed the Christmas Eve festivities.
For the past couple of years we have let the kids open their gifts first. Then the rest of us could open our gifts while they were busy with their new toys.
B was super excited about the DreamLites light-up dog he got. C got a "light up unicorn" from friends for her birthday, and he has wanted his own ever since!!
This Angry Birds set from Uncle J and Aunt A was a much-desired and happily-received gift!
C has had her eye on this Boo doll from Monsters Inc. for a couple of months and was ecstatic to pull it out of the box.
And she looks like a doll in her Minnie Mouse costume from Uncle J and Aunt A.
After the kids opened their gifts, C wanted her princess castle to play with, and let's just say 'some assembly required' was an understatement. Haha. So after waiting patiently for the Hubs to get it all together for her, the adults to tear into their gifts.
I managed to stay behind the camera all night, but was pleased to get several items on my wish list as well as a few surprise items that I love.

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