Monday, December 2, 2013

Jesse Tree

For the past couple of years, I have done a daily advent item with the kids.  This year I am trying something new--a Jesse Tree.  The name comes from Isaiah 11:1 which talks about a shoot from the stump a Jesse, i.e., Jesus.  I found the ornament images and Scripture references here on the Reformed Church of America website.  Disclaimer:  I am not a member of the RCA nor do I know much about them or their beliefs.  But I did like the idea of showing my children how the Bible goes from Adam and Eve to Jesus which is exactly what a Jesse Tree does.  I am using their Scriptures, but will probably alter some of the discussion, question, and prayer examples that they give for each day to make it fit our family.  And I would encourage you to do the same.

So last night marked the beginning of Advent, thus we started with Day 1 of our Jesse Tree ornaments--the stump of Jesse.  We read the Scripture, discussed what it meant, and B hung the ornament on the tree in our bedroom which I sparsely decorated in a few gold ornaments in order to leave room for 25 Jesse Tree ornaments.

I am really looking forward to the next few days and listening to what the kids say about it.

UPDATE:  Here is how it looked at the end.  I loved all the sweet Bible-related ornaments, and the kids LOVED doing out Jesse Tree activity every night!  And yes, it is in a different room than where it started.  We did a fruit basket turn over among the bedrooms, so the playroom became the new master bedroom.  And yes, I have hated those window treatments from the moment we moved in.  I wish I had a good reason for why the hideous things are still in my house, but sadly, I don't.  And there are 3 windows in that room.  *sigh*

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