I had such grand plans for a great birthday party for Jesus, but life happened, plans changed that were out of my control, and we had to spontaneously move the party up a day and I was unprepared. So instead of the delicious BBQ sandwiches, yummy potato salad, chips and corn on the cob that I had planned, we had drive thru burgers. Again, not what I had in mind, but it is about celebrating our Savior and that is exactly what we did.
I used some of the cupcakes and miniature brownie cups that were left over from the youth Christmas party we had hosted the night before. I put a candle in one of the cupcakes, and we sang "Happy Birthday" to Jesus. Then the kids got to blow out the candle.
B had wanted to invited Pop and JuJu over, so they joined us for the sweets. It was very impromptu and not nearly and put together as I would have liked, but the kids loved celebrating Jesus's birthday. Happy Birthday, Jesus!

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