Then Santa came!!! Their stashes may look meager, but between both sets of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and friends, my kids get more for Christmas than any of us knows what to do with. You can read about my Christmas guidelines that I implemented for the first time this year that made my life SO much easier when it came to shopping for them this year.
Then it was time to go to bed with the excitement of knowing you get to watch your kids get their gifts in the morning. Since becoming a parents, I am pretty sure that Christmas is just as much fun for mommies and daddies as it is for the kiddos!! And this Christmas was a blast!
Then we opened our stockings.
B modeling his new Angry Birds slippers.
Grandma and Grandpa showed up around nine, and then it was time to open gifts from them and Aunt H.
Then we sat down to a fairly scrumptious brunch if I do say so myself. More on that tomorrow. The rest of the day was spent playing with new toys, watching A Christmas Story (my favorite Christmas movie), grazing on left overs, putting the last ornament on the Jesse Tree, and just lazing around. It was fabulous. I hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas!

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