Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Christmas Keepsake Ornament Tradition

If you couldn't tell already, I have a lot of Christmas traditions.  One of those traditions is that I get each of my kids an ornament each year for Christmas that represents something from that year of their life.  It could be that they had a "first" that year or had a special event or a particular habit or liking.  This year B got a baseball Mickey ornament since this was his first year playing tee-ball and he took his first trip to Disney.  C picked a Pooh and Piglet ornament while we were at Disney World to serve as her ornament for this year.

B's special ornament last year says "I love fishing with my Dad" since he went fishing and caught his first fish with the Hubs during the summer of last year.  When he was three, his ornament was a cheeseburger, which may seem odd, but the boy loves a burger and that year was 'the year of the cheeseburger' as far as his diet was concerned.  (He has since declared a disdain for cheese and will only eat a HAMburger these days, but I digress.)  When he was two, I found this great Bob the Tomato ornament to represent his Veggie Tales birthday party and total love for all things Veggie Tales.  And we he was one-year-old, I got him an airplane ornament because he flew on an airplane for the first time that year.

C's ornament from last year can be seen in the picture above with B's airplane  At some point last year, her Daddy started calling her "Bear" as a nickname that stuck.  It seemed only fitting to get her a bear ornament with a pink scarf since "mink" is her favorite color.

Both kids got at least one ornament as a shower gift before they were born--B actually got four.  I guess it a first child thing.  Those ornaments serve as their ornament of significance for their first Christmases.  C's is hanging on the tree in the living room, but all of B's hang at the top of the blue tree in the kitchen.

Picking out their special ornament each year is something I really love and probably totally over-think.  But B really enjoyed hearing about how special each of his ornaments was this year.  I just love Christmas traditions.

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